May 23,2023
The Wonderful World of Wireless Charging
What it is, how it works, and why do you want it?
Wireless charging, also known as induction charging, is a convenient and cable-free way to charge your electronic equipment. It needs two things:
A charger, usually connected to a power supply in the form of a hockey ball, cushion, or bracket.
Smart phones, smart watches or other electronic devices compatible with wireless charging.
Now you're ready to charge! Just put the cell phone on the charging seat and start charging immediately.
Why wireless charging?
Connecting to a wireless charger is faster and easier than inserting a cable. Just put the phone on the charger and the charger will start charging immediately - you can find and connect the cable without releasing the other hand. Wireless chargers also protect your phone from damage caused by repeated connections and disconnections, and are more robust than charging cables, which may show signs of wear and tear.
Keep Charging
Imagine that every time you drop an iPhone or a Samsung phone, you give it a little battery power boost. By wireless charging, you can. Wireless chargers come in all shapes and sizes. There's one on your nightstand, desk, or even in your car, and even the most difficult device to work with is easy to charge all day.
Wireless charging is as fast as traditional chargers. A 10-watt charging pad can charge your smartphone as quickly as a 10-watt/1 ampere wall-mounted charger, which is usually the type provided by your smartphone.